DFCI Lab Rats are Geared Up for Kids!
The DFCI Lab Rats are running, walking and biking at 2018’s Geared Up for Kids! Please visit our page to join our team and donate!
The DFCI Lab Rats are running, walking and biking at 2018’s Geared Up for Kids! Please visit our page to join our team and donate!
In this month’s featured publication, Drs. Segal and Stiles describe a new system to culture primary brain tumor types that otherwise prove difficult to propagate. This culture system enables the team to investigate the role of the tumor microenvironment, and to test potential therapies on tumor cell growth.
Loren Walensky, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, and Principal Investigator, Linde Program in Cancer Chemical Biology, speaks about collaborative drug discovery that is taking place at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Longwood Center.
Team Dana-Farber Lab Rats walked, ran and biked to raise funds for children’s brain tumor research. Many thanks to Rick Bern for the photograph!
Dr. Walensky is one of two recipients of the 2015 E. Mead Johnson Award for Research in Pediatrics. This award is given by the American Pediatric Society each year at their annual meeting, and honors outstanding clinical and laboratory research achievements in pediatrics. To find out more about Dr. Walensky’s research, visit his lab website. Congratulations Dr. Walensky!
This year’s Geared Up for Kids 2015 is on June 7th, Cutler Park, Needham. Registration is now open, please join us either walking, running or biking to fund raise for research into childhood brain tumors, and stick around afterwards for a family fun festival! To find out more about our team click here. We hope you can join us!
Congratulations to PLGA faculty member, Rosalind Segal, MD, PhD as she is appointed the new Director of the Program in Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School!
Like softball and fun? Hate brain cancer? The 2nd Annual Old Man/Lady Softball Game is seeking players!
Join in on August 16th at Greenie Park Newton NH. Last year was a huge success..this year the list is growing larger with so many more activities planned. Admission is $20 to play/ $2 admission.
There will be food, thanks to Gramolini’s Meatmarket, games for the kids, Kahona Ice will be selling shaved ice… the National Anthem will be sung by Jennifer Lake Tedford, and there will be an after hours party ($5 admission fee) at the VFW in Kingston, NH from 7pm-1am with DJ Edna Leach. The band Preciphist Rocksu will be at the field from 11am-3pm playing some great music and so much more to come.
Again this even this year will be for the kids….all monies raised will go to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for the PLGA Foundation to help fight childhood brain cancer. To sign up, volunteer and find out more information, check out the event Facebook page: Old Man/Lady Softball Game to benefit the PLGA Program at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Did you miss the webinar on May 5th? View a recording of our Clinical Director, Dr. Mark Kieran’s webinar where he discussed result of his recent study of long-term clinical outcomes. This unprecedented study finally quantifies what outcomes look like for LGG kids who have undergone the front-line treatment protocols (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation). Understanding the long term impacts of treatments and taking an active role in making treatment decisions, helps parents of children battling LGG ensure that the right path is followed.